Hi there!
Things I did during this February:
- Consistently worked on my rust project: MeowUI. It's not fully done but I have something working. More work to be done. Exciting!!!
- Getting more involved with Rust and it's community. Subscribed to This Week in Rust newsletter to keep up with the updates.
- Started reading DDIA(with the aim of finishing it haha)
- Shipped a new feature at beatoven: Selective Recompose :)
- Started exploring WASM. Got a pretty deep dive into the spec. Time to build something 💪
- Mental health - GOOD ✅
- Physical health - not so GOOD(need to hit the gym) but I am going out for walks more frequently
- Learning - More stuff to learn still(which is always good)
- Don't have fully structured routine as of now. Semi-routine going on.
That's it. See ya, champ!