Elixir file manipulation

Manipulating arbitrary number of files present in a directory using Elixir

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I used Mix.install to create an elixir script that reads all the files in a certain directory, manipulates those file names, and then creates a map using those file names.

Then I output that map to JSON data using Jason library.

Mix.install([{:jason, "~> 1.3"}])

  Path.cwd!() <> "/loops/*"
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn "/home/aayushmau5/Downloads/experiments/loops/" <> remaining, acc ->
  loops_data = Map.get(acc, remaining, [])

  Map.put(acc, remaining, [
      "title" => String.split(remaining, " - ") |> Enum.at(0),
      "other" => String.split(remaining, " - ") |> Enum.at(-1) |> String.slice(0..-5),
    | loops_data
|> Jason.encode!()
|> IO.puts()

I like Path.wildcard\1, and pattern matching to get remaining in Enum.reduce. Pretty neat!


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